For the episodic journey following the team as it made this cartoon check out Wacom’s CARTOON CRUNCH Linked below or click the button!

I Directed the short film WITCHY BUSINESS and had the pleasure of working with three other talented artists. We split up the work to suit our individual strengths, so this is a breakdown of what I worked on for the film. The story was based off an idea that we all collaborated on until we were satisfied with it. Next we worked on character design, going through several different pitches of character variations until we settled on the final design. I also worked on rough animation for the first half of the film, as well as cleanup and color. And Finally I worked on compositing all the footage and editing all the scenes together to make the separate animations into one final product! Enjoy the WIP Behind the scenes footage below, and If I didn't make it, the artist responsible is cited…. enjoy :)

Character Design 1 - done by Dillon O’Keefe

Character Design 1 - done by Dillon O’Keefe

Wizard CD - done by Kim Caldas

Wizard CD - done by Kim Caldas

Final CD - Leann Schmitt

Final CD - Leann Schmitt

Early CD turn around - done by Dillon O’Keefe

Early CD turn around - done by Dillon O’Keefe

STYLE BIBLE 1 - done by Lean Schmitt

STYLE BIBLE 1 - done by Lean Schmitt

Character Design 2 - done by Dillon O’Keefe

Character Design 2 - done by Dillon O’Keefe

Poster - done by Kasey Uhter

Poster - done by Kasey Uhter

STYLE BIBLE 1 - done by Lean Schmitt

STYLE BIBLE 1 - done by Lean Schmitt

Background Layout 1 - Done by Kasey Uhter

Background Layout 1 - Done by Kasey Uhter

ROUGH ANIMATIC - To help get the timing and ideas across for animation that follows.

03 Rough Animation - done by Dillon O’Keefe

03 Rough Animation - done by Dillon O’Keefe

05 Rough Animation - done by Dillon O’Keefe

05 Rough Animation - done by Dillon O’Keefe

Just a cool layered frame from scene 10 that I loved!

Just a cool layered frame from scene 10 that I loved!

01 Rough Animation - done by Dillon O’Keefe

01 Rough Animation - done by Dillon O’Keefe

01 Clean Up / Line work Finish - done by Dillon O’Keefe

01 Clean Up / Line work Finish - done by Dillon O’Keefe

01 Color Final - done by Dillon O’Keefe

01 Color Final - done by Dillon O’Keefe